The Molecular Immunology & Immunosensors working group at Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences
is investigating biomolecular mechanisms of pathogen perception at the Zweibrücken site. Her focus is on the identification and characterization of receptor-drug combinations involved in the modulation of microbiome-immune interactions.
The focus here is on bacterial signal peptides, which represent a novel group of bacterial metabolites. Due to their broad cellular and physiological spectrum of activity, these peptides may play an important role in microbiome-immune interactions as well as in the development and progression of microbiome-associated neurodegenerative diseases. For further research into these phenomena, there is close cooperation with the Enteric Nervous System working group at the Zweibrücken campus.
A whole range of different high-throughput methods are available to the working group as core working techniques. These methods make it possible to quickly test very different living cells, such as neurons or immune cells, under physiological conditions with hundreds or thousands of active substances.
By combining the screening results with targeted molecular and bioinformatic analyses and their verification in animal models, even complex cellular and pharmacological relationships can be understood in a relatively short time. The working group also benefits from the excellent laboratory facilities on campus. Among other things, it can use a fully equipped clean room.
The Bufe working group is part of the IMS research focus at Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences.